Jan 28, 2013

Week In Review

Another successful week has passed and we think it is worth taking a look back.

Since Privateer's debut on Facepunch, a lot of new captains have arrived and made our port their home. We are very pleased by the amount of people, who have expressed their satisfaction with the gamemode thus far.

We would also like to thank Timo and Doodleh for donating to the project. These donations are going towards improving the experience for everyone.

And lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to the First Captains - that small group of people who have been with the project from the beginning. You help set the example to new players and we greatly appreciate it.

There are a lot of bugs that need fixing and a lot of missing features too. In the months ahead, we are going to tackle all of that. As always, we thank everyone for their patience.